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Instructions for Patients following Ligation of Haemorrhoids

During haemorrhoid ligation, tiny rubber bands are applied to the internal haemorrhoids.  This is done with an anaesthetic as a day procedure.  A dull ache or pain may be experienced for a few days afterwards.  Some patients complain of a feeling of discomfort likened to a sensation of wanting to have a bowel movement.  In 2-3 days, the haemorrhoid caught in the rubber band will shrivel up and fall away with a bowel motion.


1.    Medication:

ï    Paracetamol or Digesic may be taken to relieve pain during the 36 – 48 hour period.  If necessary, a stronger pain relief will be prescribed.

ï    Some patients find a warm bath is helpful.


2.    Diet:

ï    No special diet is necessary.  Your bowel movements should remain soft.  To achieve this make sure you drink at least 6 – 8 glasses of water per day and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.


3.    Bowel Function:

ï    Straining to have a bowel movement should be avoided.  If you do tense up, push or strain, you will possibly cause clots, or tear the skin (fissure).  A gentle laxative is allowed if necessary.  eg. Coloxyl


4.    Physical Activity:

  • Normal physical activities can be carried out.

  • You may drive your car the day following your procedure.

  • Avoid straining or lifting heavy weights for 2 weeks.



The strangulated haemorrhoid will drop off in about 2 – 4 days (up to 10 days).  You will usually not notice this although some patients may experience a small amount of bleeding at the time.  If you avoid constipation, straining, or loose stools, you should experience no trouble with excessive bleeding.  If you have any problems, please call our Cabrini rooms.

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